Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Aaron the photographer. Mollie, Emma, Pete, Iain, Anita and Joel (obviously...) Posted by Picasa

Bank holiday weekend. It was really nice weather, so we met up with Emma, Pete and Aaron at the Ferral Brewery out at the Swan Valley. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Geoff - looking for his accountant. Posted by Picasa

Dorothy the dinosaur... Posted by Picasa

Burswood dome - and a trip to see the 'Wiggles'. Who I have since found out are the most profitable export from Australia....... Lord help us! ....Wake up Geoff (you've made another million! :) ) Posted by Picasa

A day trip out for Mollie and her class. The 'Bus wash', took them around the streets and finally through the bus wash - washing the windows with them all inside screaming with excitement! Posted by Picasa

Mollie's school, class mates and teacher Ms. Scanlon. Posted by Picasa

Doh.... Posted by Picasa

Joel having a ride in his red wagon, which he got for this birthday. Posted by Picasa

Mollie at Ballet with 'Kindy Bear', the bear from Kindy (obviously...) where you get to look after him and take him places you really like for the week. Posted by Picasa