Friday, September 26, 2008

I have joined a team of guys who are in a Sailing racing series. Our first race was last Sunday and so I need to start reading up on my sailing terms. Oh and practice drinking lots of beer.

Just a funny picture of Joel going crazy. :D

Thankfully the weather looks to be shaping up for a good summer. We met some friends at Little Manly and the kids even had an ice cream from the Ice Cream boat.

Balgowlah North Primary School held a performance 'Once upon a dance'. There were two performances held at the local theatre and for those parent who missed it, it was performed again at the school.
Mollie's class performed 'Hansel and Gretel', which was great.
She was a little star after performing only days after being in hospital.
Unfortunately, the performance at the theatre restricted taking photos, so these are from the performance at her school.

I think Carol Beer has been replaced at the council offices.
The planning application is not going well. For some reason they are looking for any possible reason to reject the application, instead of helping us to resolve issues.
It's going to be an interesting few weeks ahead, with a lot at stake.
Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Progress on the house has been very slow - and I now think Carol Beer (Little Britain) is now working for Warringah Council.
The plans have been with the council for five months now and they are being very pedantic.
We are hoping to get the approval before October..... hoping.

2008 City 2 Surf. The city to Bondi beach.
12kms and 70,000 people. I was trying to complete the course in a time under 60 minutes, but by the time I'd parked, 30,000 people were in front of me at the start line. I spent the first 3 kms trying to run around people. I finally completed the course in 1:09.32 and in 15348 place.
Next year....

Yeah! Spring is here!
It's not been a wet winter, but very cold - especially in our rental !
So we are all pleased to see the weather improving.
So after seeing all of those animals, everyone wanted to sit down, relax and have a quiet half an hour - or maybe not... Everyone was so excited seeing all of the animals and then being recharged on party food it was like trying to herd cats on Red Bull! :)