Sunday, January 15, 2006

The sunsets are returning. Posted by Picasa

The locals on the island - the only place in the world where you will find a Quokka. (Tiny kangaroo) Posted by Picasa

A well deserved icecream - after riding 22kms. Posted by Picasa

Everyone was on bikes, and the kids all had the easy seats at the back. Posted by Picasa

Some of the clearest sea water I have ever seen. Posted by Picasa

Salmon Bay on Rottnest. Posted by Picasa

New Years Day. Rottnest Island. 25kms from Perth in the Indian Ocean. A small island, where no cars are allowed. It was the first time in thrity years that Anita and Julia had ridden a bike! Posted by Picasa

Any chance for Mollie to get wet, she will be there. Posted by Picasa

Next... Kings Park. Posted by Picasa

The kids were creeping further and further in, until... wipeout! Posted by Picasa

Back to the beach. Posted by Picasa

The beach wasn't too busy either Posted by Picasa

A pair of TITS. (Typical International Transport Systems) :) Posted by Picasa

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Who let the Celt in? Posted by Picasa

It's a hard life at times. Posted by Picasa

Traditional BBQ down on the river. Posted by Picasa

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Keep running kids, oh yes another pint would be great! Posted by Picasa

The kids love the ferral Brewery, as they can run riot in the gardens. Posted by Picasa

Ferral Brewery a micro brewery in the Swan Valley, surrounded by vineyards. We all went in between Christmas and NY - like we hadn't had enough to drink! Posted by Picasa

Annie with a healthy appetite!! Check out her and Paul's plate. Posted by Picasa

Christmas dinner - just like in the UK.....maybe. And we had Duck, not Turkey. Posted by Picasa

After the chaos of opening presents, we all went to the beach on Christmas day Posted by Picasa

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